Duration : 3:01

Downloads : 633913

Be one of the millions of people who already saw it. This was made in only 3 months ! Many thanks to the authors who permit this file being here. See the official site for all details.
405 is available in VHS at Amazon.com for $9.95 !
405 is available in VHS at Amazon.com for $9.95 !

on 17 May 2013
good and nice movie
good and nice movie
on 7 January 2011
this is do gud movie...
this is do gud movie...
on 29 January 2010
on 18 January 2010
on 27 November 2009
nice i like it
nice i like it
on 28 January 2009
very nice vid!!!!
very nice vid!!!!
on 27 December 2008
nice movie
nice movie
on 2 September 2008
découvert en 2001 mais toujours aussi bien
découvert en 2001 mais toujours aussi bien
on 7 June 2008
on 11 October 2007
whoever made the movie is smart and focused advertiser but advise your client not to try this at home
whoever made the movie is smart and focused advertiser but advise your client not to try this at home
on 19 April 2006
All I can say is well done. The special effect and the story is excellent. Just well done.
All I can say is well done. The special effect and the story is excellent. Just well done.
on 10 December 2005
Superbly magnificient! Really need to incorporate a plot/story with this and put on the silver screen.
Superbly magnificient! Really need to incorporate a plot/story with this and put on the silver screen.
on 19 August 2005
Hi thats a very good movie, but why is that the police and other vechiles coming near the plane is that runway or a freeway, try doing some more movies like this, thats awesome.
Hi thats a very good movie, but why is that the police and other vechiles coming near the plane is that runway or a freeway, try doing some more movies like this, thats awesome.
on 2 August 2005
Man there's a few freaks out there. I just went through the list of what was presented for comments - I don't care if technical wrongs were left in - Hell - Multi-million dollar flicks can't even get a Chrysler starter correctly done in the last 30 years.
There's nothing less than a "10" for this effort.
I came back here to make a Asus A730 Rock!
I went through this frame by frame - Not once did I see the slightest flaw - in fact going frame by frame shows editing beyond compare.
Even the Lady's "66 Lincoln Continental" was a hit.
So Much for Prosac Diaper Rash from some of You!
Man there's a few freaks out there. I just went through the list of what was presented for comments - I don't care if technical wrongs were left in - Hell - Multi-million dollar flicks can't even get a Chrysler starter correctly done in the last 30 years.
There's nothing less than a "10" for this effort.
I came back here to make a Asus A730 Rock!
I went through this frame by frame - Not once did I see the slightest flaw - in fact going frame by frame shows editing beyond compare.
Even the Lady's "66 Lincoln Continental" was a hit.
So Much for Prosac Diaper Rash from some of You!
on 3 June 2005
I just got a Palm Treo 650, and this looks GREAT using the CORE media player :-D Now off to find some more DivX Movies ;)
I just got a Palm Treo 650, and this looks GREAT using the CORE media player :-D Now off to find some more DivX Movies ;)
on 29 March 2005
Wonderful scenerio about a plane landing on the freeway. It reminded me of that movie once that landed a space shuttle in LA as well. Not on the freeway, but in a creek drainage system. Remember?
Anyhow, I look forward to your next short movie.
Wonderful scenerio about a plane landing on the freeway. It reminded me of that movie once that landed a space shuttle in LA as well. Not on the freeway, but in a creek drainage system. Remember?
Anyhow, I look forward to your next short movie.
on 28 February 2005
Outstanding Job Guys. Oh Shefki, let's see your work you loser.
Outstanding Job Guys. Oh Shefki, let's see your work you loser.
on 23 January 2005
This really was a fun clip! Great job guys! It is sad that some of the people who posted here have no imagination... The world must be bleak when all they can do is criticize something that they themselves cannot do. Oh well, it takes all kinds; including the mental midgets!
This really was a fun clip! Great job guys! It is sad that some of the people who posted here have no imagination... The world must be bleak when all they can do is criticize something that they themselves cannot do. Oh well, it takes all kinds; including the mental midgets!
on 27 November 2004
very nice, the driver was a pretty bad actor - which just added to the amusement!
very nice, the driver was a pretty bad actor - which just added to the amusement!
on 14 October 2004
well...i'm waiting. 4 what? 4 WHAT?...don't be goy whiff me tunafishery managemnt.
how come no polar snakes in this film?
we should deport you to the fur-bearing reptiles saliva containment nitrogen laptank feelers, but we won't beak coz the movie won't let us stopwatch ing it. no. stop making us see it again u should GO be on ???????????????? www.intuitive.tv ????????????????<<< beak coz they have gotz always 3 maybe one or sometimes not any polar snakes or prairie-lipped vole fondlers. i am often proud to watch intuitive.tv for the hidden anus shots of ugly kittens- just like 405 movie hurts me for it wont let me keep on not watching it instead no sleep and again watch it again. oh yes it is so easy being snuffed aminal with polly's esther fiber brain- if u like reing always porked every day i snoot ironikally.
ps - i was born-ufactured near 405 fwy. and now it is a movie???????
well...i'm waiting. 4 what? 4 WHAT?...don't be goy whiff me tunafishery managemnt.
how come no polar snakes in this film?
we should deport you to the fur-bearing reptiles saliva containment nitrogen laptank feelers, but we won't beak coz the movie won't let us stopwatch ing it. no. stop making us see it again u should GO be on ???????????????? www.intuitive.tv ????????????????<<< beak coz they have gotz always 3 maybe one or sometimes not any polar snakes or prairie-lipped vole fondlers. i am often proud to watch intuitive.tv for the hidden anus shots of ugly kittens- just like 405 movie hurts me for it wont let me keep on not watching it instead no sleep and again watch it again. oh yes it is so easy being snuffed aminal with polly's esther fiber brain- if u like reing always porked every day i snoot ironikally.
ps - i was born-ufactured near 405 fwy. and now it is a movie???????
on 12 October 2004
Loved this movie. All the dust and smoke at touch down was extremely realistic. One comment for the record: The weight of a DC-10 at that datum, with a collapsed nose gear, would easily crush a vehicle such as the one Jeremy Hunt was driving. All the same, a masterful piece of work.
Loved this movie. All the dust and smoke at touch down was extremely realistic. One comment for the record: The weight of a DC-10 at that datum, with a collapsed nose gear, would easily crush a vehicle such as the one Jeremy Hunt was driving. All the same, a masterful piece of work.
on 26 September 2004
Well.... looking at www.405themovie.com, I see that they designed all the CG from scratch, themselves.
So, these guys DO have some serious talents, as they DIDN'T just search 'free 3d models' in a search engine.... (like I would ;-) ).
Great Movie
Well.... looking at www.405themovie.com, I see that they designed all the CG from scratch, themselves.
So, these guys DO have some serious talents, as they DIDN'T just search 'free 3d models' in a search engine.... (like I would ;-) ).
Great Movie
on 20 August 2004
Great stuff! May God protect us from little ole ladies and men who can't see over the steering wheel.
Great stuff! May God protect us from little ole ladies and men who can't see over the steering wheel.
on 9 May 2004
Nice! Brilliant effects!
Only one thing though, if I saw a plane landing behind me while driving, I wouldn't accelerate, I'd simply slam on my brakes!!
Nice! Brilliant effects!
Only one thing though, if I saw a plane landing behind me while driving, I wouldn't accelerate, I'd simply slam on my brakes!!
on 8 May 2004
on 3 April 2004
achei o muito bom a montagem das cenas, prende a atençaõ até o final que é muito engraçado.
achei o muito bom a montagem das cenas, prende a atençaõ até o final que é muito engraçado.
on 13 February 2004
This is absolutely one of the most intresting and entertaining short films ever! As a pilot I was captured with the possibilities this production. This is some of the most seamless action assembled.
How could this not be actual filming my eyes were saying while my mind new better!
Better than Great,
This is absolutely one of the most intresting and entertaining short films ever! As a pilot I was captured with the possibilities this production. This is some of the most seamless action assembled.
How could this not be actual filming my eyes were saying while my mind new better!
Better than Great,
on 22 December 2003
The old lady at the end is a hoot. That's something my mom would do. Wait a minute....that WAS my mom!!! Just kidding. Great movie!!!
The old lady at the end is a hoot. That's something my mom would do. Wait a minute....that WAS my mom!!! Just kidding. Great movie!!!
on 1 November 2003
you kidding me ... this is off the charts .... beyond xcellent work ... more
you kidding me ... this is off the charts .... beyond xcellent work ... more
on 12 October 2003
Good film!
An error: when the guy looks at the speedometer it shows much more than 320km/h but rpm meter shows quite low value...
Good film!
An error: when the guy looks at the speedometer it shows much more than 320km/h but rpm meter shows quite low value...
on 25 September 2003
I know I'm gonna P!$$ people off by being critical of this film(it is brilliant!)but i noticed two things...first,traffic on the other side of the road dissapears,background in the car window jumps at the end,otherwise perfect.
I know I'm gonna P!$$ people off by being critical of this film(it is brilliant!)but i noticed two things...first,traffic on the other side of the road dissapears,background in the car window jumps at the end,otherwise perfect.
on 20 August 2003
I was watching this animation few months ago and i can only say REALISTIC!
Congratulation for amazing animation and idea.
If you have a time please answer because i begain to work with MAYA one year ago and maybe you can give me some advice.
I was watching this animation few months ago and i can only say REALISTIC!
Congratulation for amazing animation and idea.
If you have a time please answer because i begain to work with MAYA one year ago and maybe you can give me some advice.
on 16 September 2002
outstanding! inovative, a reflection on the cast and producers. a real hoot.
outstanding! inovative, a reflection on the cast and producers. a real hoot.
on 16 September 2002
Absolutely fantastic! I enjoyed it very much, thrilling and funny at the same time. good work
Absolutely fantastic! I enjoyed it very much, thrilling and funny at the same time. good work
on 15 September 2002
Very realistic and thrilling!
Very realistic and thrilling!
on 31 August 2002
very good i enjoyed it cosiderably.
good show
very good i enjoyed it cosiderably.
good show
on 20 August 2002
405 is pretty damn funny!
I have seen an airplane go down on a freeway before but not like this!
This Is a Must Download for all who has yet to see this Movie!
Keep up the good work fellas.
I can't wait to see what you guys release next.
405 is pretty damn funny!
I have seen an airplane go down on a freeway before but not like this!
This Is a Must Download for all who has yet to see this Movie!
Keep up the good work fellas.
I can't wait to see what you guys release next.
on 4 August 2002
Absolutely bloody fantastic..Shefki you have no idea what you are talking about you prat!
Absolutely bloody fantastic..Shefki you have no idea what you are talking about you prat!
on 29 April 2002
Look I think we all collectively recognise this as great work, and it is, but for fuck sake, $300.00. Give me a break. 3D software to do this (lightwave, maya, softimage, 3dsmax whatever)is at least $2000.00 a pop. Plus compositing software and 2d photoshop etc. You couldn't even buy a computer for $300 . Plus 4 months of anyones time. And some holywood director could pay these guy's or some other guy's for that matter around $20,000.00 or so to do the same. Not $100,000,000. For 100mil you get one eposode of lord of the rings for fuck sake. So there's bulshit from both sides. Lets cut the bulshit and just say this is a good piece of work. I was pretty blown away when I first saw it. And I still am. "Shefki" made a statement that isn't too far from what it would take to do this. Everyone has an opinion. Learn to take it!
Look I think we all collectively recognise this as great work, and it is, but for fuck sake, $300.00. Give me a break. 3D software to do this (lightwave, maya, softimage, 3dsmax whatever)is at least $2000.00 a pop. Plus compositing software and 2d photoshop etc. You couldn't even buy a computer for $300 . Plus 4 months of anyones time. And some holywood director could pay these guy's or some other guy's for that matter around $20,000.00 or so to do the same. Not $100,000,000. For 100mil you get one eposode of lord of the rings for fuck sake. So there's bulshit from both sides. Lets cut the bulshit and just say this is a good piece of work. I was pretty blown away when I first saw it. And I still am. "Shefki" made a statement that isn't too far from what it would take to do this. Everyone has an opinion. Learn to take it!
on 27 April 2002
This is a real breakthrough, I think. It blows my mind that they made this film with $300. There is a post from "Shefki" on this board, I would love to see what you can do if this does not impress you?!! VERY COOL !!
This is a real breakthrough, I think. It blows my mind that they made this film with $300. There is a post from "Shefki" on this board, I would love to see what you can do if this does not impress you?!! VERY COOL !!
on 14 April 2002
This is a great movie.
This is a great movie.
on 13 April 2002
O filme é ótimo !
Diverte de forma simples além de surpreender...
O filme é ótimo !
Diverte de forma simples além de surpreender...
on 1 April 2002
Wow, man. I've seen this thing over and over and over... and it's kewl. I've been looking at some other artists who have pulled this kind of internet stunts, but haven't found any--except for those guys at schoolis2die4.com, who made this matrix-looking movie, quite as good as this one, spending no money at all and making the movie look like a hollywood production!!!! Great films both. Download this one now, you're in for a ride!!!
Wow, man. I've seen this thing over and over and over... and it's kewl. I've been looking at some other artists who have pulled this kind of internet stunts, but haven't found any--except for those guys at schoolis2die4.com, who made this matrix-looking movie, quite as good as this one, spending no money at all and making the movie look like a hollywood production!!!! Great films both. Download this one now, you're in for a ride!!!
on 25 March 2002
Wow shefki, what a bitter twisted ass you are. Anyone who's tried to make any kind of 3d model look 'real' knows how hard this film must have been to make. Regardless of where the meshes came from it's how you use em that counts. Put up or grow up dude. If you can do better yourself in 3 months then do so and let us all be the judge.
Wow shefki, what a bitter twisted ass you are. Anyone who's tried to make any kind of 3d model look 'real' knows how hard this film must have been to make. Regardless of where the meshes came from it's how you use em that counts. Put up or grow up dude. If you can do better yourself in 3 months then do so and let us all be the judge.
on 19 January 2002
This's is so real & funny.
CG is great!
from Tokyo Japan.
This's is so real & funny.
CG is great!
from Tokyo Japan.
on 19 January 2002
Great stuff! Great special CG effects and a very humouristic 'adventure'. I really liked the old lady's gesture.
(For those of you who haven't seen 405, you'd better click the download button for some funny stuff!)
Great stuff! Great special CG effects and a very humouristic 'adventure'. I really liked the old lady's gesture.
(For those of you who haven't seen 405, you'd better click the download button for some funny stuff!)
on 29 December 2001
Great Work, it took a lot of talent to pull this off. If you work in video, you know what it takes to do something like this, if you can't see what's impressive about this work--try to do it yourself.
Great Work, it took a lot of talent to pull this off. If you work in video, you know what it takes to do something like this, if you can't see what's impressive about this work--try to do it yourself.
on 28 October 2001
This short is a great mix of CG and real life. The effects outstanding, although not conclusive. Many shots have been "left out" due to the sheer "weight" of the film. A job well done none-the-less... with an old biddy thrown in to boot. (****-)
This short is a great mix of CG and real life. The effects outstanding, although not conclusive. Many shots have been "left out" due to the sheer "weight" of the film. A job well done none-the-less... with an old biddy thrown in to boot. (****-)
on 26 October 2001
nice work. any idea if that's a digital capture or
nice work. any idea if that's a digital capture or
on 1 October 2001
Nice movie, nicely done. Hehheh, maybe I should create something like that during my free time. With my DV cam, computer, photo shop, video editing and lightwave 3D software, maybe I could start going out to shoot(and maybe in my backyard too) hehe, and maybe be as successful as this movie!
Nice movie, nicely done. Hehheh, maybe I should create something like that during my free time. With my DV cam, computer, photo shop, video editing and lightwave 3D software, maybe I could start going out to shoot(and maybe in my backyard too) hehe, and maybe be as successful as this movie!
on 26 September 2001
I saw this movie again on a recorded segment I had on the Today Show w/ Matt Lauer. So I decided to learn more, and I came here to download a copy for my computer. Wonderful stuff. One quote Jeremy Hunt said was "We've got hollywood producers coming to us saying 'I made a shot like yours in one of my movies, and it cost me $100,000,000. How much did you do it for?' And We tell them about $300, and they get winded."
And one final thought: Is it any wonder that the two people who bad-mouthed this movie have the hostname? Hmm, it's thinking time.
Hope these two guys do more and better things in the future. Looking forward to it!
I saw this movie again on a recorded segment I had on the Today Show w/ Matt Lauer. So I decided to learn more, and I came here to download a copy for my computer. Wonderful stuff. One quote Jeremy Hunt said was "We've got hollywood producers coming to us saying 'I made a shot like yours in one of my movies, and it cost me $100,000,000. How much did you do it for?' And We tell them about $300, and they get winded."
And one final thought: Is it any wonder that the two people who bad-mouthed this movie have the hostname? Hmm, it's thinking time.
Hope these two guys do more and better things in the future. Looking forward to it!
on 12 September 2001
Excellent Film guys and I hope this brings you many work offers! Everyone I showed this to loved it and could not believe it was not real! Hope to see your next film soon!!
Excellent Film guys and I hope this brings you many work offers! Everyone I showed this to loved it and could not believe it was not real! Hope to see your next film soon!!
on 10 September 2001
great stuff, well worth the 30 second download!
great stuff, well worth the 30 second download!
on 6 September 2001
that was great. Hope you guys get to do more..
esse filme tava o caralho
that was great. Hope you guys get to do more..
esse filme tava o caralho
on 24 August 2001
I just can't believe this is not real!?
I just can't believe this is not real!?
on 16 August 2001
Please make more !!!
Please make more !!!
on 8 August 2001
Absolutely Hilarious...can we be expecting another masterpiece anytime soon?
Absolutely Hilarious...can we be expecting another masterpiece anytime soon?
on 6 August 2001
Nice!!! I was fooled! I thought the airplane was real (at first)!
Nice!!! I was fooled! I thought the airplane was real (at first)!
on 5 August 2001
People at the airport are still rolling on the floor after this one. If you havn't seen it yet, whats your problem?
People at the airport are still rolling on the floor after this one. If you havn't seen it yet, whats your problem?
on 30 July 2001
This is an AWESOME shorty. Shefki has absolutly no clue to what charisma is all about. I showed this to a housefull of guests during a get-together, and we unanimously agree this is the best one we have seen!
This is an AWESOME shorty. Shefki has absolutly no clue to what charisma is all about. I showed this to a housefull of guests during a get-together, and we unanimously agree this is the best one we have seen!
on 22 July 2001
i've never seen an animated airplane animated so well! and then everything else! with the plane falling on the car and all, that was awesome! i've had my firend's over here and showed them that film and they loved it! and just the idea of it is awesome! it's the best movie i've ever downloaded
thank you for making that film and
Putting it on the net!
i've never seen an animated airplane animated so well! and then everything else! with the plane falling on the car and all, that was awesome! i've had my firend's over here and showed them that film and they loved it! and just the idea of it is awesome! it's the best movie i've ever downloaded
thank you for making that film and
Putting it on the net!
on 22 July 2001
Very Impressive stuffe...
It's not film art, but what the hell
these guys obviously have a sense of
humour. You rarely see stuff of this
quality on the net.
Methinks these guys both have jobs at
ILM waiting for them in the near future...
Very Impressive stuffe...
It's not film art, but what the hell
these guys obviously have a sense of
humour. You rarely see stuff of this
quality on the net.
Methinks these guys both have jobs at
ILM waiting for them in the near future...
on 22 July 2001
I just heard about 405 on CNN today, and decided to check it out.. Hey Shefki, you have no understanding whatsoever of this sort of art. This movie is hillarious as well as technically pleasing. The old lady is great, and I thought the overall effects surpassed that of many of new Hollywood movies.
I just heard about 405 on CNN today, and decided to check it out.. Hey Shefki, you have no understanding whatsoever of this sort of art. This movie is hillarious as well as technically pleasing. The old lady is great, and I thought the overall effects surpassed that of many of new Hollywood movies.
on 8 July 2001
I knew this film from Chinese magazine. That's great!!! Thanks for Director's hard working!
I knew this film from Chinese magazine. That's great!!! Thanks for Director's hard working!
on 5 July 2001
Hey Shefki!
Why dont u follow your
own lame ass advice,
"Type "Free 3D models"
in a search engine.
String them together
using some fast computers
and all the fx plugins
you can find."
and try to make a copy of this film, post its location within 3 months or admit that your just a dick/talent less shmuck
this movie kicked ass!!!
Hey Shefki!
Why dont u follow your
own lame ass advice,
"Type "Free 3D models"
in a search engine.
String them together
using some fast computers
and all the fx plugins
you can find."
and try to make a copy of this film, post its location within 3 months or admit that your just a dick/talent less shmuck
this movie kicked ass!!!
on 30 June 2001
O filme é ótimo! Espero que cada vez mais façam filmes desse tipo. Nota 10 para toda a produção! Aí, Dá o telefone da velhinha para o meu colega Rodrigo. HEHE.
O filme é ótimo! Espero que cada vez mais façam filmes desse tipo. Nota 10 para toda a produção! Aí, Dá o telefone da velhinha para o meu colega Rodrigo. HEHE.
on 28 June 2001
My favorite shot is the initial crushing of the SUV. I really felt the plane was palpable. The making-of impressed me even more :-)
By the way, the first DVD that's been released of the old Thunderbirds TV series will seem *very* familiar to 405 viewers. Here's a screen grab:
My favorite shot is the initial crushing of the SUV. I really felt the plane was palpable. The making-of impressed me even more :-)
By the way, the first DVD that's been released of the old Thunderbirds TV series will seem *very* familiar to 405 viewers. Here's a screen grab:
on 28 June 2001
Well, for someone who drives the 405 daily and watches the planes go overhead (seemingly almost that close), this was a treat.
Of course, the only unbelievable part was the lack of traffic... ;-)
Well, for someone who drives the 405 daily and watches the planes go overhead (seemingly almost that close), this was a treat.
Of course, the only unbelievable part was the lack of traffic... ;-)
on 25 June 2001
Great work, guys. Pay little or no attention to those who would negatively criticize and berate your work. Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying, "Great ideas will always be challenged by mediocre minds" and it has been proved throughout history. This is not only a great piece of CG wizardry, but a great all-around piece of writing, acting, direction, editing, etc. Take it from someone who has been screenwriting and making homemade movies for some time, you're on the right track. Cudos!
Great work, guys. Pay little or no attention to those who would negatively criticize and berate your work. Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying, "Great ideas will always be challenged by mediocre minds" and it has been proved throughout history. This is not only a great piece of CG wizardry, but a great all-around piece of writing, acting, direction, editing, etc. Take it from someone who has been screenwriting and making homemade movies for some time, you're on the right track. Cudos!
on 25 June 2001
This rocks.
This rocks.
on 23 June 2001
Amazing Stuff , But the divx download gave a problem.
Amazing Stuff , But the divx download gave a problem.
on 23 June 2001
Absolutely brilliant....loved it....being in the business as well certainly brightened up a very boring day at londons Heathrow!!!!!!!! keep it up guys
Absolutely brilliant....loved it....being in the business as well certainly brightened up a very boring day at londons Heathrow!!!!!!!! keep it up guys
on 18 June 2001
This is GGGGGGGGGGGGGGreat.Wish it had been longer.Iknow that little old Lady.I think its my naxt door neighbor
This is GGGGGGGGGGGGGGreat.Wish it had been longer.Iknow that little old Lady.I think its my naxt door neighbor
on 18 June 2001
I saw this video at work, which by the way is the airline you are showing in your movie...I could not stop laughing...I love every thing about the story and actors....my airline co-workers will get a big kick out of this....thank you, thank you, thank you.......
I saw this video at work, which by the way is the airline you are showing in your movie...I could not stop laughing...I love every thing about the story and actors....my airline co-workers will get a big kick out of this....thank you, thank you, thank you.......
on 16 June 2001
wow, great sound for the iPaq!
wow, great sound for the iPaq!
on 13 June 2001
this movie is great !!!
Maybe i don´t know very much about downloaded meshes, digital mixers, airlines pissed off or computer graphics, but i can tell you something, it was a good and creative idea and you knew how to make it real
this movie is great !!!
Maybe i don´t know very much about downloaded meshes, digital mixers, airlines pissed off or computer graphics, but i can tell you something, it was a good and creative idea and you knew how to make it real
on 11 June 2001
A room full of Search and Rescue pilots laughed their butts off at this movie. No one cared that the car changed models, or someone used downloaded skins. It works in that very real time sense of humorous fun. Over analyzing this is just that. Being anal.
A room full of Search and Rescue pilots laughed their butts off at this movie. No one cared that the car changed models, or someone used downloaded skins. It works in that very real time sense of humorous fun. Over analyzing this is just that. Being anal.
on 11 June 2001
The main effort of this move goes to creativity nd storywriting, and a little patience of coz. Meshes and softwares are just tools to convey vision, so for those who complain that the meshes are downloaded, let me see u try downloading meshes from the net and do sumthing as good. If you can't, then shut up. Many people like this flick because it is really good, how often do we see shorts that receive such reception?
Now, now....we knowthose like shefki are just jealous *CHILDREN*, let's just ignore them and stop flaming them so as not to put us in the same level as they are.
The main effort of this move goes to creativity nd storywriting, and a little patience of coz. Meshes and softwares are just tools to convey vision, so for those who complain that the meshes are downloaded, let me see u try downloading meshes from the net and do sumthing as good. If you can't, then shut up. Many people like this flick because it is really good, how often do we see shorts that receive such reception?
Now, now....we knowthose like shefki are just jealous *CHILDREN*, let's just ignore them and stop flaming them so as not to put us in the same level as they are.
on 8 June 2001
I have not watched the movie, yet. I'm downloading it right now. While, I'm reading the comments and all them say wonderful things about the movie. I think it will be great. Wait for my next comment...
I have not watched the movie, yet. I'm downloading it right now. While, I'm reading the comments and all them say wonderful things about the movie. I think it will be great. Wait for my next comment...
on 6 June 2001
I'm really impressed. As a pilot who flew militery jets 45 years ago it seem just about believeable. You guys are to be commended.
I'm really impressed. As a pilot who flew militery jets 45 years ago it seem just about believeable. You guys are to be commended.
on 5 June 2001
I teach Driver's Education so this was HYSTERICAL. I haven't laughed so hard in soooooo long. Great job
I teach Driver's Education so this was HYSTERICAL. I haven't laughed so hard in soooooo long. Great job
on 3 June 2001
Heck, none of the negative comments seem to come from people who've thought much about the reasons they don't like it. "It's tosh" ... ? Well, why? Frankly, I get sick of the human need to drag down somebody because they've done something cool and interesting. It's a great short film with good modelling and a clever conceit. The problem? Lots of peopel with the technical no-how but none of the imagination rip this apart to make themselves feel better.
Great work, great modelling, great sense of humor. Thanks, guys, looking forward to the next one.
Heck, none of the negative comments seem to come from people who've thought much about the reasons they don't like it. "It's tosh" ... ? Well, why? Frankly, I get sick of the human need to drag down somebody because they've done something cool and interesting. It's a great short film with good modelling and a clever conceit. The problem? Lots of peopel with the technical no-how but none of the imagination rip this apart to make themselves feel better.
Great work, great modelling, great sense of humor. Thanks, guys, looking forward to the next one.
on 1 June 2001
Great short! Fun story with good pacing and good effects, nothing wasted. Lots of sour grapes complaints, ignore them.
Great short! Fun story with good pacing and good effects, nothing wasted. Lots of sour grapes complaints, ignore them.
on 25 May 2001
don't you get it? Shefki is the old grandma in real life who wouldn't be impressed with a real plane passing by.
don't you get it? Shefki is the old grandma in real life who wouldn't be impressed with a real plane passing by.
on 20 May 2001
Ditto Captain Meyer. How'd you like to have a 500 hour wonder in the right seat, and this landing be "his" leg! I can see the FE getting out his 4 cell maglite right now! Great vid, guys. Better than watching Captain Sprocket land his Con Air
7-2 with Wesley Snipes aboard, on a 2 lane blacktop with one gone, one burning and one candidate for an overtemp inspection. Keep up the good work! Thumb up!
Ditto Captain Meyer. How'd you like to have a 500 hour wonder in the right seat, and this landing be "his" leg! I can see the FE getting out his 4 cell maglite right now! Great vid, guys. Better than watching Captain Sprocket land his Con Air
7-2 with Wesley Snipes aboard, on a 2 lane blacktop with one gone, one burning and one candidate for an overtemp inspection. Keep up the good work! Thumb up!
on 19 May 2001
Quite a good little film. It's a full story, good structure, and short enough to download. Some other clips have obnoxious authors (not to name names) and/or mixed-up plot structure. This one is just plain well-done. Definitely worth the download time!
Quite a good little film. It's a full story, good structure, and short enough to download. Some other clips have obnoxious authors (not to name names) and/or mixed-up plot structure. This one is just plain well-done. Definitely worth the download time!
on 16 May 2001
Sorry to be so honest but I was woefully disappointed by this thing. The overating of this movie is phenomenal. IMO there is nothing to write home about here. I am not saying that any underhanded tactics to keep people downloading are being used mind you :) I wonder what the situation would be without a forum for comments! Afterall, without comments 405 is just a pathetic number. Talentless. Honest. Sorry.
Sorry to be so honest but I was woefully disappointed by this thing. The overating of this movie is phenomenal. IMO there is nothing to write home about here. I am not saying that any underhanded tactics to keep people downloading are being used mind you :) I wonder what the situation would be without a forum for comments! Afterall, without comments 405 is just a pathetic number. Talentless. Honest. Sorry.
on 15 May 2001
DivX sucks!!
Movie OK.
Did I say DivX sucks??
DivX sucks!!
Movie OK.
Did I say DivX sucks??
on 13 May 2001
I thought the image portrayed man's inconsistency toward the cosmos...the airliner representing our collective burden on the individual was a nice touch, as was the grandma's friendly gesture of goodwill at the end...
I'M KIDDING!! The film rocks! Looks damn cool in my iPaq, too. :)
I thought the image portrayed man's inconsistency toward the cosmos...the airliner representing our collective burden on the individual was a nice touch, as was the grandma's friendly gesture of goodwill at the end...
I'M KIDDING!! The film rocks! Looks damn cool in my iPaq, too. :)
on 7 May 2001
Still holds up no matter how many times I see it. I gave it a solid '9'.... Only rational I had for not giving it a '10' is I'm awaiting the next release from this 'TEAM', for that '10' spot. Great entertainment... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS.
When's the next release???
Take Care,WAM
Still holds up no matter how many times I see it. I gave it a solid '9'.... Only rational I had for not giving it a '10' is I'm awaiting the next release from this 'TEAM', for that '10' spot. Great entertainment... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS.
When's the next release???
Take Care,WAM
on 27 April 2001
Great film! Love it on my PC and now that I can show it off my iPAC with it too, that's frosting on the cake.
Great film! Love it on my PC and now that I can show it off my iPAC with it too, that's frosting on the cake.
on 27 April 2001
Good movie but no way can I get the DivX;-)
to work.
got it 4th time to work as 405 - MPEG1
Good movie but no way can I get the DivX;-)
to work.
got it 4th time to work as 405 - MPEG1
on 26 April 2001
Now you know why there are stretches of US Federal Highways that are straight for at least 2.5 miles!! That was decreed by FDR during WWII for use by the military in case of enmergencies. Interesting that these two gentlemen would imbellish on that concept and bring it to film!! KUDOS!!
Now you know why there are stretches of US Federal Highways that are straight for at least 2.5 miles!! That was decreed by FDR during WWII for use by the military in case of enmergencies. Interesting that these two gentlemen would imbellish on that concept and bring it to film!! KUDOS!!
on 18 April 2001
Well, you hit a nerve with that one! I'm staying the hell off the freeways from now on.
Well, you hit a nerve with that one! I'm staying the hell off the freeways from now on.
on 16 April 2001
funny as funny as...what can i say, so much talent and hard work has gone into this masterpiece. bruce and jeremy keep up the good work, as for all the people who didnt like it well show us what your made of and as for Shefki well i would like to see you do better and post us some of your 'OUTSTANDING' stuff so we can all say how stupid it is and pick the fuck out of it. you stupid lil TWAT!! thanks again :P
funny as funny as...what can i say, so much talent and hard work has gone into this masterpiece. bruce and jeremy keep up the good work, as for all the people who didnt like it well show us what your made of and as for Shefki well i would like to see you do better and post us some of your 'OUTSTANDING' stuff so we can all say how stupid it is and pick the fuck out of it. you stupid lil TWAT!! thanks again :P
on 15 April 2001
Eine hübsche Unterhaltung - der Hingucker auf dem PPC schlechthin. Wann kommt der zweite Teil ???
Eine hübsche Unterhaltung - der Hingucker auf dem PPC schlechthin. Wann kommt der zweite Teil ???
on 14 April 2001
405 the movie is the best thing i have ever seen
405 the movie is the best thing i have ever seen
on 11 April 2001
I thought this movie was great, those guys must have worked on that plane for hours in lightwave!
I hope to be able to do stuff like that when i get better!!!
I thought this movie was great, those guys must have worked on that plane for hours in lightwave!
I hope to be able to do stuff like that when i get better!!!
on 10 April 2001
A great clip! I have been doing homespun video projects for 2 years now and this movie has given me new inspiration. Many of you seem to be real picky about it but I challenge you to do better. I would also like to remind those of you about another homespun video called the "Blair Witch Project" which made millions of dollars and to this day cannot be duplicated.
A great clip! I have been doing homespun video projects for 2 years now and this movie has given me new inspiration. Many of you seem to be real picky about it but I challenge you to do better. I would also like to remind those of you about another homespun video called the "Blair Witch Project" which made millions of dollars and to this day cannot be duplicated.
on 4 April 2001
It was so real! Can you sign my passport? Since I do not fly international I have many pages to be signed.
It was so real! Can you sign my passport? Since I do not fly international I have many pages to be signed.
on 4 April 2001
The Digital effects are great, although the film itself lacked things that make a film great.
Personally I think this film is absolutly great and a good showing of what you can do with digital meshes. To the people who think that this movie sucked because the meshes may have been downloaded, just think, can you do that? Hell I have been downloading meshes and making movies with 3d stuff for years but I haven't made anything of that standard...If you want to complain about the movie I want to see your own digital effects work first.
The Digital effects are great, although the film itself lacked things that make a film great.
Personally I think this film is absolutly great and a good showing of what you can do with digital meshes. To the people who think that this movie sucked because the meshes may have been downloaded, just think, can you do that? Hell I have been downloading meshes and making movies with 3d stuff for years but I haven't made anything of that standard...If you want to complain about the movie I want to see your own digital effects work first.
on 3 April 2001
Have always had this fear while driving to and from work but who better to welcome a failing DC-10 than the 405 in Southern California. Absolutely one of the best short (albeit very short) films I've seen in years. I was sitting on the edge of my office chair as I watched. I felt the fear of the driver and the transition from nightmare to "Where's the beef?" Well done, although I'm not sure the executives at American Airlines would appreciate it as much.
Have always had this fear while driving to and from work but who better to welcome a failing DC-10 than the 405 in Southern California. Absolutely one of the best short (albeit very short) films I've seen in years. I was sitting on the edge of my office chair as I watched. I felt the fear of the driver and the transition from nightmare to "Where's the beef?" Well done, although I'm not sure the executives at American Airlines would appreciate it as much.
on 3 April 2001
i think that the film is great
and so should you
i think that the film is great
and so should you
on 3 April 2001
I'm from Liverpool In England' a country not known for giving praise to people who achieve success.You moaning shits should shut up and give these lads a break,and as for Shekfi he is just a WANKER!!!
I'm from Liverpool In England' a country not known for giving praise to people who achieve success.You moaning shits should shut up and give these lads a break,and as for Shekfi he is just a WANKER!!!
on 3 April 2001
All the negative comments sound like jealously/sour grapes to me. The film is great and shows that it doesn't take Hollywood megabucks or silicon/saline breasts to make a funny, entertaining flick! Kudos to the imaginative minds who put it together - I don't care HOW you did it (animation "stunts", downloaded meshes, etc.) - just that you did it & did a helluva job! Well worth the download time - a real keeper! To those who didn't like it... why don't you put some of your efforts into something more creative. When you create your own movie, grow balls enough to put it online so other jealous artists can view it, pick it apart, and bitch, bitch, bitch! Get a life!
All the negative comments sound like jealously/sour grapes to me. The film is great and shows that it doesn't take Hollywood megabucks or silicon/saline breasts to make a funny, entertaining flick! Kudos to the imaginative minds who put it together - I don't care HOW you did it (animation "stunts", downloaded meshes, etc.) - just that you did it & did a helluva job! Well worth the download time - a real keeper! To those who didn't like it... why don't you put some of your efforts into something more creative. When you create your own movie, grow balls enough to put it online so other jealous artists can view it, pick it apart, and bitch, bitch, bitch! Get a life!
on 2 April 2001
I thought it was funny, and very well done, but really now, did we have to see the sweet little old lady not be so sweet at the very end? How 'bout a tire going flat at the very, very end on the SUV (?) to be the straw that broke the driver's back!
I thought it was funny, and very well done, but really now, did we have to see the sweet little old lady not be so sweet at the very end? How 'bout a tire going flat at the very, very end on the SUV (?) to be the straw that broke the driver's back!
on 2 April 2001
Good Job dudes, the only missing detail that gave the story away was the missing name of an airline... couldn't you have made up a foreign name...
Good Job dudes, the only missing detail that gave the story away was the missing name of an airline... couldn't you have made up a foreign name...
on 2 April 2001
Hehe..gives air traffic a new name. Great Spoof.
Hehe..gives air traffic a new name. Great Spoof.
on 2 April 2001
Being in the aviation business I found this an interesting spoof and gag for April 1, 2001.
While some parts were clearly animation stunts it kept my interest because I could imagine the real scenario that would result and my mind could fill in the blanks successfully. Great short Film.
Vincent Wolanin, Chairman
PrivateSky® Aviation Services,Inc.
Maintenance Service Center-FBO
Gulfstream II, III, IV, V our specialty.
Being in the aviation business I found this an interesting spoof and gag for April 1, 2001.
While some parts were clearly animation stunts it kept my interest because I could imagine the real scenario that would result and my mind could fill in the blanks successfully. Great short Film.
Vincent Wolanin, Chairman
PrivateSky® Aviation Services,Inc.
Maintenance Service Center-FBO
Gulfstream II, III, IV, V our specialty.
on 31 March 2001
Did I really read people putting down this flick?
Get a grip people, this is a fun thing. Nice work guys.
Really nice.
Did I really read people putting down this flick?
Get a grip people, this is a fun thing. Nice work guys.
Really nice.
on 31 March 2001
Of _course_ the tools to make this movie are readily available. Anyone _could_ make a movie like it... in theory. But anyone and everyone didn't. Only a couple of guys did.
Hollywood regularly spends a thousand times more money and churns out complete dreck, so obviously availability of tools doesn't make it easy.
It's about skill in composition, timing, and concepts.
Shefki and the rest of you whiners: if it's so easy to make a movie like this, show us a movie _you've_ made.
Put up or shut up.
Of _course_ the tools to make this movie are readily available. Anyone _could_ make a movie like it... in theory. But anyone and everyone didn't. Only a couple of guys did.
Hollywood regularly spends a thousand times more money and churns out complete dreck, so obviously availability of tools doesn't make it easy.
It's about skill in composition, timing, and concepts.
Shefki and the rest of you whiners: if it's so easy to make a movie like this, show us a movie _you've_ made.
Put up or shut up.
on 30 March 2001
I agree with Shefki. This is absolute tosh.
No talent whatsoever. Any idiot can put together downloaded meshes.
It looks like a cheap version of max steel.
I agree with Shefki. This is absolute tosh.
No talent whatsoever. Any idiot can put together downloaded meshes.
It looks like a cheap version of max steel.
on 30 March 2001
Shefki: make a better movie, or shut up. This was very well done. Somebody give these guys money so they can do more of this stuff :)
Shefki: make a better movie, or shut up. This was very well done. Somebody give these guys money so they can do more of this stuff :)
on 29 March 2001
on 28 March 2001
Coolos mundos el filico mun fabbo! Boutros boutros gali en big plano et el mariachi es shitten pants! Scorchio! Das olden mama es bromm bromm flippen birdo es rocken graphics!
Fabulo, fabulo, FABULO!
Coolos mundos el filico mun fabbo! Boutros boutros gali en big plano et el mariachi es shitten pants! Scorchio! Das olden mama es bromm bromm flippen birdo es rocken graphics!
Fabulo, fabulo, FABULO!
on 27 March 2001
Now you boys get your toys out of the street and go play. Way to go - good stuff - keep it going!
Now you boys get your toys out of the street and go play. Way to go - good stuff - keep it going!
on 27 March 2001
Both my parents work the ramp at American Airlines in DFW. This blew us all away. Cant wait to see it on my 100" projection screen.
Both my parents work the ramp at American Airlines in DFW. This blew us all away. Cant wait to see it on my 100" projection screen.
on 25 March 2001
Not bad I suppose, considering all
the blind gushing.
The Lara Croft movie is much better tho.
Not bad I suppose, considering all
the blind gushing.
The Lara Croft movie is much better tho.
on 22 March 2001
NO DOUBT!! I agree with bigguy. If the DORK shefki or whatever the f*&king losers name is thinks he can do better than why haven't we seen it!! All talk no show! What a pile of steaming elephant dung!! Instead why don't you give props where props are due. This was a great piece of work, you just can't stand the fact that someone else besides you did it and got the recognition for it!
NO DOUBT!! I agree with bigguy. If the DORK shefki or whatever the f*&king losers name is thinks he can do better than why haven't we seen it!! All talk no show! What a pile of steaming elephant dung!! Instead why don't you give props where props are due. This was a great piece of work, you just can't stand the fact that someone else besides you did it and got the recognition for it!
on 16 March 2001
Go Gramma - you ROCK gurl!
Go Gramma - you ROCK gurl!
on 16 March 2001
I've always wondered if I could land my DC 10 on a road. Now that I know that it can be done, I think I'll give it a try. See you on CNN.
I've always wondered if I could land my DC 10 on a road. Now that I know that it can be done, I think I'll give it a try. See you on CNN.
on 15 March 2001
katanya sih bagus, abisnya gua belon liat belon selesai downloadnya. itu yg downloadnya cuma 20 detik enak banget ya. Mungkin servernya ada di sebelah rumahnya kali.
tapi entar gua komentar lagi kalo udah nongton.
But I thing this is a very good movie.
But maybe it will be more fantastic if the old lady replaced by president of Indonesia Gus Dur.
katanya sih bagus, abisnya gua belon liat belon selesai downloadnya. itu yg downloadnya cuma 20 detik enak banget ya. Mungkin servernya ada di sebelah rumahnya kali.
tapi entar gua komentar lagi kalo udah nongton.
But I thing this is a very good movie.
But maybe it will be more fantastic if the old lady replaced by president of Indonesia Gus Dur.
on 14 March 2001
Fantastico veramente.....non ho parole.
Fantastico veramente.....non ho parole.
on 14 March 2001
Apik cah... untung dudu simbah ku...sik main..
Any information like this such kind of thing..mail me please...
Apik cah... untung dudu simbah ku...sik main..
Any information like this such kind of thing..mail me please...
on 14 March 2001
Great video - worth the long download time. My dad builds airplanes and I sent him the link to 405themovie webpage so that he could see it too. I live in Florida where there are lots of short, white haired old lady drivers...we lovingly call them Q-tips. Saw it on IFILM.COM and the quality was a little lacking, but this longer download is much better. Hats off to these two men. The traffic fines were worth your efforts. Love your stuff. Keep it up!
Great video - worth the long download time. My dad builds airplanes and I sent him the link to 405themovie webpage so that he could see it too. I live in Florida where there are lots of short, white haired old lady drivers...we lovingly call them Q-tips. Saw it on IFILM.COM and the quality was a little lacking, but this longer download is much better. Hats off to these two men. The traffic fines were worth your efforts. Love your stuff. Keep it up!
on 12 March 2001
shefki is a total dork. Instead of trying to put
something that is cool down because YOU didn't do it
why don't YOU do something better. LOSER!!!
shefki is a total dork. Instead of trying to put
something that is cool down because YOU didn't do it
why don't YOU do something better. LOSER!!!
on 12 March 2001
Type "Free 3D models"
in a search engine.
String them together
using some fast computers
and all the fx plugins
you can find.
That's how to make this
talentless movie.
Type "Free 3D models"
in a search engine.
String them together
using some fast computers
and all the fx plugins
you can find.
That's how to make this
talentless movie.
on 12 March 2001
This movie is really great !!!!
I want to learn how to make this movie ??
This movie is really great !!!!
I want to learn how to make this movie ??
on 11 March 2001
Too much downloaded industrial meshes. No real charisma.
Too much downloaded industrial meshes. No real charisma.
on 11 March 2001
This was very cool. I'd like to do it too!
This was very cool. I'd like to do it too!
on 11 March 2001
Dat waz spanchcool!
Dat waz spanchcool!
on 9 March 2001
wow it so cool man!
wow it so cool man!
on 9 March 2001
the effects just great, but it is very empty
I mean there is not enough emotion.
the effects just great, but it is very empty
I mean there is not enough emotion.
on 9 March 2001
Gue seneng kalo punya nenek kayak yg di movie itu.
Gue seneng kalo punya nenek kayak yg di movie itu.
on 8 March 2001
i wish i could watch it if any one knows how email me to tell me how i download it thanks
i wish i could watch it if any one knows how email me to tell me how i download it thanks
on 8 March 2001
lama bener sich downloadnya ?gue belom sempet liat filmnya udah disuruh komentar.anak sukabumi-indonesia yang ngomong tuch.
lama bener sich downloadnya ?gue belom sempet liat filmnya udah disuruh komentar.anak sukabumi-indonesia yang ngomong tuch.
on 7 March 2001
Whelladallah... iqi film jan edan tenan....
Whelladallah... iqi film jan edan tenan....
on 7 March 2001
muy buen video, todo el que lo vio aqui en Republica Dominicana lo disfruto bastante, esperamos pronto otro igual o mejor.
muy buen video, todo el que lo vio aqui en Republica Dominicana lo disfruto bastante, esperamos pronto otro igual o mejor.
on 7 March 2001
ini pilem ok punya cing....!
ini pilem ok punya cing....!
on 7 March 2001
bravo..!!this is a "new things" in the net world and for the computer animation technic...
bravo..!!this is a "new things" in the net world and for the computer animation technic...
on 6 March 2001
From Jakarta. Abdi mah memang sudah kagum, dengan kecanggihan teknologi. Apalagi setelah liat 405 itu, tambah kagum banget. Oke deh kakak.
From Jakarta. Abdi mah memang sudah kagum, dengan kecanggihan teknologi. Apalagi setelah liat 405 itu, tambah kagum banget. Oke deh kakak.
on 3 March 2001
Liuks! (Brilliant!)
Liuks! (Brilliant!)
on 3 March 2001
At least 40 kids in my grade have already seen it. Excellent!
At least 40 kids in my grade have already seen it. Excellent!
on 2 March 2001
Cool I say !!!
Cool I say !!!
on 2 March 2001
i've seen it on italian n²e˜è@ä*@
i've seen it on italian n²e˜è@ä*@
on 2 March 2001
From the video clip, it looks good enough that I would buy the tape.
N7UJG-Vancouver, WA, US
From the video clip, it looks good enough that I would buy the tape.
N7UJG-Vancouver, WA, US
on 2 March 2001
Read the comment about the realism.
Wanted to point out that at times the
plane looked like an L1011 and sometimes
looked like an airbus.
Couldn't bring myself to be that anal.
But about the doors opening at the end:
Where the hell's the fun yellow slide?
(And the doors are too big.)
But like I said, I can't bring myself to
be that anal.
Read the comment about the realism.
Wanted to point out that at times the
plane looked like an L1011 and sometimes
looked like an airbus.
Couldn't bring myself to be that anal.
But about the doors opening at the end:
Where the hell's the fun yellow slide?
(And the doors are too big.)
But like I said, I can't bring myself to
be that anal.
on 1 March 2001
That was to frigging funny.!!! I loved it..
That was to frigging funny.!!! I loved it..
on 1 March 2001
This is a Legendary movie. It is one of the crowning achievements of technology... and it makes my iPAQ look great when playing it!
This is a Legendary movie. It is one of the crowning achievements of technology... and it makes my iPAQ look great when playing it!
on 1 March 2001
Simply Amazing
Simply Amazing
on 27 February 2001
first time here
and everyone at work was cracking up!!
we'll be back
first time here
and everyone at work was cracking up!!
we'll be back
on 25 February 2001
my ass is rash
my ass is rash
on 25 February 2001
I just came back from the fullerton university 405 event, Jeremy Hunt is an excellent guy, I can't wait to see their second project.
I just came back from the fullerton university 405 event, Jeremy Hunt is an excellent guy, I can't wait to see their second project.
on 24 February 2001
hey ashley, I thought you quite enjoyed the sex.
well, the movie wasn't bad at all, cuz while I was watching it, Ashley was giving me a blow job.
hey ashley, I thought you quite enjoyed the sex.
well, the movie wasn't bad at all, cuz while I was watching it, Ashley was giving me a blow job.
on 24 February 2001
this movie totally sucked because when I watched the movie my boyfriend asked me to give him a blow job, so I didn't quite enjoy it.
this movie totally sucked because when I watched the movie my boyfriend asked me to give him a blow job, so I didn't quite enjoy it.
on 22 February 2001
Yea only took a few secs to download and well worth the *wait*! Muahhahaha
Yea only took a few secs to download and well worth the *wait*! Muahhahaha
on 22 February 2001
Absolutely brilliant! HILARIOUS!!! Superbly created and SO realistic!!! I hope there will be a sequel!!!
Absolutely brilliant! HILARIOUS!!! Superbly created and SO realistic!!! I hope there will be a sequel!!!
on 22 February 2001
this was one bad @$$ movie. I heard about it on the radio today and thought i would check it out. It is the shit.
this was one bad @$$ movie. I heard about it on the radio today and thought i would check it out. It is the shit.
on 21 February 2001
never thought digicams could do the trick....man is hollywood hearing that, all that taxpayers money spent is not where we think it really is or if it is then What a waste!
never thought digicams could do the trick....man is hollywood hearing that, all that taxpayers money spent is not where we think it really is or if it is then What a waste!
on 21 February 2001
There's always people that like to be different then the rest and i love that but you either didn't see the movie or do not know what your talking about.
Being different does not mean putting your judgement aside.
Great work!!!
There's always people that like to be different then the rest and i love that but you either didn't see the movie or do not know what your talking about.
Being different does not mean putting your judgement aside.
Great work!!!
on 21 February 2001
This movie was totally unimpressive. How fake is this?? 3 months? it shows. a total rip off from another short film called "Watch out!" by some guy I can't remember anymore.
This movie was totally unimpressive. How fake is this?? 3 months? it shows. a total rip off from another short film called "Watch out!" by some guy I can't remember anymore.
on 20 February 2001
from switzerland: GREAT !!!
from switzerland: GREAT !!!
on 19 February 2001
That's was GREAT !!!!!!
I LMAO ... one of the BEST on the NET!!!!!!
That's was GREAT !!!!!!
I LMAO ... one of the BEST on the NET!!!!!!
on 16 February 2001
Filem ini cukup memberangsangkan dan mencuit hati.
Saya kagum terhadap imaginasi dan daya kreatif kedua-dua penerbit filem ini. THIS MOVIE SHOULD GO ON AIR AND BROADCASTED TO THE WHOLE WORLD!
Filem ini cukup memberangsangkan dan mencuit hati.
Saya kagum terhadap imaginasi dan daya kreatif kedua-dua penerbit filem ini. THIS MOVIE SHOULD GO ON AIR AND BROADCASTED TO THE WHOLE WORLD!
on 16 February 2001
Great job!Humor,creativity,talent!
Hope you make some money out of it
cause you really deserve it!!!
Great job!Humor,creativity,talent!
Hope you make some money out of it
cause you really deserve it!!!
on 13 February 2001
on 10 February 2001
Very good and to the point.
Very good and to the point.
on 10 February 2001
I liked it felt like a complete story.
I liked it felt like a complete story.
on 9 February 2001
good ass movie!!!!!!!!!
good ass movie!!!!!!!!!
on 9 February 2001
Excellent! The only thing lacking in realism is that fact that at times a new Jeep Grand Cherokee is used (2000 model) and other times the older model is used. That part is not very professional.
Excellent! The only thing lacking in realism is that fact that at times a new Jeep Grand Cherokee is used (2000 model) and other times the older model is used. That part is not very professional.
on 8 February 2001
I am from Holland, and have waitet for my new computer to download this movie, its great, C.J.
I am from Holland, and have waitet for my new computer to download this movie, its great, C.J.
on 8 February 2001
gives me a big smile in the early morning, (the fastes downloadtime for me)great movie, C.J.
gives me a big smile in the early morning, (the fastes downloadtime for me)great movie, C.J.
on 8 February 2001
Hi, i'm from Brazil, and, it's a incredble video. It's amazing, i like very mutch and mi friends to!!
Hi, i'm from Brazil, and, it's a incredble video. It's amazing, i like very mutch and mi friends to!!
on 8 February 2001
It was amazing but also very korny and phony the story line not the graphics!
It was amazing but also very korny and phony the story line not the graphics!
on 6 February 2001
It is a very intellectual movie made by very creative youngster (i don't know their age) which can be very expeert's in the now movies business oif this era, they are the next stevens speilberg or if they want to be.
It is a very intellectual movie made by very creative youngster (i don't know their age) which can be very expeert's in the now movies business oif this era, they are the next stevens speilberg or if they want to be.
on 6 February 2001
Hey very cool movie. The best part is the old lady at the end..unexpected. I work for American and I´m voting this video to be corporate. Keep up the good work
Hey very cool movie. The best part is the old lady at the end..unexpected. I work for American and I´m voting this video to be corporate. Keep up the good work
on 5 February 2001
Cool Movie.
Cool Movie.
on 5 February 2001
Unbelieveble cool, or as we say in Jönköping, Sweden: "ööverstyyv"8)
Unbelieveble cool, or as we say in Jönköping, Sweden: "ööverstyyv"8)
on 4 February 2001
Niiiice man. Wish I had the time to learn how to do Computer Graphics like that. You guys are awesome, I hope you do some more work... plus - gotta love that plane. ;o)
Niiiice man. Wish I had the time to learn how to do Computer Graphics like that. You guys are awesome, I hope you do some more work... plus - gotta love that plane. ;o)
on 2 February 2001
hey man, it is really fucking.....
suck it up
hey man, it is really fucking.....
suck it up
on 2 February 2001
A funnier than hell movie! Watch at the end...A big suprize (for you people who haven't seen the movie, yet). Check it out!
A funnier than hell movie! Watch at the end...A big suprize (for you people who haven't seen the movie, yet). Check it out!
on 2 February 2001
Great movie - lots of excitement and tension. Great female actress.
Great movie - lots of excitement and tension. Great female actress.
on 31 January 2001
abi manyak olmus yaa.. harbiden helal pezevenklere..
abi manyak olmus yaa.. harbiden helal pezevenklere..
on 31 January 2001
Cool, just f'n cool!
Cool, just f'n cool!
on 30 January 2001
taking a whaile to download but hopefuly worth the wait but certainly better then the erotica films
taking a whaile to download but hopefuly worth the wait but certainly better then the erotica films
on 30 January 2001
Brightened up my day in Moscow!
Brightened up my day in Moscow!
on 28 January 2001
It took a while to download but its well worth the wait. Ta VM.
It took a while to download but its well worth the wait. Ta VM.
on 27 January 2001
hahahah... good.... best film...
i be there..
hahahah... good.... best film...
i be there..
on 26 January 2001
wow! this short preview is superb.
wow! this short preview is superb.
on 25 January 2001
Here's a showing of extreme talent. Bar none, the BEST film availible online. A MUST download.
Here's a showing of extreme talent. Bar none, the BEST film availible online. A MUST download.
on 25 January 2001
Inspiring! Makes me wanna dust off my video camera and give it a try. All I need is the talent! I'll be showing this to everybody...
Inspiring! Makes me wanna dust off my video camera and give it a try. All I need is the talent! I'll be showing this to everybody...
on 25 January 2001
É muito padrão. Esse filme é 10.
É muito padrão. Esse filme é 10.
on 24 January 2001
This is an excellent movie. i should make one of these myself. Just kidding but i know anyone can make a move these days using
their computer and other equipment.
This is an excellent movie. i should make one of these myself. Just kidding but i know anyone can make a move these days using
their computer and other equipment.
on 21 January 2001
sheep shit
sheep shit
on 20 January 2001
on 18 January 2001
wow and i thought u could only make crapy home video on a computer
wow and i thought u could only make crapy home video on a computer
on 18 January 2001
excellent is not enough
excellent is not enough
on 18 January 2001
Hey Great Job by you 2, I've told all my friends, and can't wait to see their expressions.
Not all of us have DSL or Cable, but it's worth the wait.
Wonder what's next....
Hey Great Job by you 2, I've told all my friends, and can't wait to see their expressions.
Not all of us have DSL or Cable, but it's worth the wait.
Wonder what's next....
on 17 January 2001
on 16 January 2001
Very cool short film with some great fx and they did a nice job with the DC 10 aircraft i love airliners and waching this video was very cool to see so what are you waiting for go see it again !!
Very cool short film with some great fx and they did a nice job with the DC 10 aircraft i love airliners and waching this video was very cool to see so what are you waiting for go see it again !!
on 16 January 2001
That was fantastic! Look forward to seeing more of your excellect work!
That was fantastic! Look forward to seeing more of your excellect work!
on 16 January 2001
on 15 January 2001
I loved the movie. It downloaded in 20 seconds and has given me days of laughter. Can you please keep me posted on any other things you do? Thanks and keep it up, you are quite tallented.
I loved the movie. It downloaded in 20 seconds and has given me days of laughter. Can you please keep me posted on any other things you do? Thanks and keep it up, you are quite tallented.
on 15 January 2001
Just want to see it.
Just want to see it.
on 15 January 2001
Come on Guys give us more, we've been chuckling for days. Your movie has given us lots to talk about!
Come on Guys give us more, we've been chuckling for days. Your movie has given us lots to talk about!
on 15 January 2001
its taking a long ass time to download, and its pissing me off, please make it go fast.
its taking a long ass time to download, and its pissing me off, please make it go fast.
on 14 January 2001
Hey that was really great it took a while to down load it, But it was worth it.
Hey that was really great it took a while to down load it, But it was worth it.
on 14 January 2001
This is the one of the best thing I've seen on the net ! As we say in French "Chapeau les artistes" :)
This is the one of the best thing I've seen on the net ! As we say in French "Chapeau les artistes" :)