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3.91/5 (315 votes)
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donwloadUploaded on 10/6/02
I spent five months realizing this film, the last three months has been the most extensive! I took my evenings and my week-end to do this... The conception was made with 3DsMax4, Character Studio for the animation, RealFlow for the dynamics of particles and a good software of compositing...;o)
I 've been working for one year on the film " Kaena " This work brought me many experiences during the conception of GHOST. I mostly took advantage of the acquired knowledge during this year of production.This project has been very enriching, eventhought there were many moments of doubts! That's why I thank gracefully all Chaman's team for having supported and encouraged me.
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Reda on 6 December 2004
Fantastik un mot pour designer le petit clip un jeu sonore et a la fois animation le tout combine art du createur enfin keep up the good work chief !! A+ reda
hebus on 7 November 2002
Beau travail : Great work. I really like the animation of the soldier and his death is pretty impressive. BZ.
birdy on 13 October 2002
insaniac on 10 September 2002
i like how you put the death of christ in there very creative.
Zackmeister on 28 August 2002
This animation is very cool. The music, lighting, etc. is great. I think one of the ghost noises came from the movie Predator. Anyone else think so?
Tecrekka on 21 June 2002
Definatley get the high res from the website. Fantastic work!
ObviousMan on 18 June 2002

Follow the link in the upper right to get a higher
resolution version of this film for home enjoyment.
I grabbed the 640 x 346 version.
Mista on 15 June 2002
This is great! I love the effect with the smokey ghost. Good Work!
JohnE on 13 June 2002
Loved the perspective change from the sway of the character to his vision of approaching doom!
Also the shadows and lighting are fantastic!
j on 12 June 2002
Superb shadows & animation. I really like the movements of the body. Simply excellent.
Please continue.
sbc on 11 June 2002
Liked the plot!!! The resolution was not great. Not clear and I downloaded the highest resolution.
PocketMovies on 10 June 2002
Just a quick note about the resolution : as usual there is a high res version on the author's site. Just click on the link on the right of the image :)
This site provides video that can play also on devices that only have 320*240 pixels screens ;)
skandiman on 10 June 2002
Really good work! Animation at it's best. Especially the body-moves are fine! But why the hell is the resolution so bad?