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Kong and the Bird

3.54/5 (112 votes)
Downloads : 38548
donwloadUploaded on 15/2/04
Kong and Bird was Goro's first 3D short. As usual he worked with Felix Graf and Moritz Bunk. They finshed the short within 3 months. With Kong they won 2 prizes at the animago award 2003.
In the stills category thay won 1st place and they won an additional 2nd place for the teaser.
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leo9 on 5 June 2008
I first saw this about five years ago and it still tickles my funny-bone! Great job!
BOBO BADD on 22 December 2004
This is worth down;oading, very funny
teo on 15 April 2004
really funny!HQ
Simon on 23 February 2004
Great! I really liked this one. Souns really good and quite funny